Dress up in your most beautiful clothes, pick the most fragrant wildflowers and together with your relatives and friends come and visit the Assumption day on 15th of August at the Open-Air Museum of Lithuania, dedicated to the year of the Aukštaitija region. We will start at 12:00 p.m. with a holy mass in the church at the museum town, where the harvest and herbs will be consecrated. After the church indulgences, we will head to a fair in the Aukštaitija region with a festive procession.

Each farmstead of the Aukštaitija street-lined village will be waiting for you with unique activities: Lithuanian multipart songs (sutartinės), romance songs, crafts, competitions, dances, a labyrinth, horse trips and even a journey into the past as well as tasting and smelling… Also, there will be a meeting with a famous expert on customs, Libertas Klimka.

We also invite you to take a look at the exhibition of bouquets, to check your knowledge in the quiz, and to bargain at the fair.

The Open-Air Museum of Lithuania is the most suitable place for family, friends and neighbours to connect during a fair of the Assumption day. So we are waiting for you!

Program of the event: https://lemu.lt/zolines-sventadienio-programa-2023/

Tickets: https://bilietai.llbm.lt/lit/events/32

The event will be filmed and photographed, and the photos will be used in the social media of the museum.